D1 Week 2 - Escaping The Noise

Noise often looks like the horn of an angry driver or the yelling of a sports fanatic. But have you ever considered that the noises that affect us most are the quiet sayings in between breaths?

The noises we remember vividly are the words uttered to us in times of vulnerability.

Have you ever been told you can't do something?

That you should do something?

Or that you should aspire to be something?

These suggestions, while often well-intentioned are words we hold deep within our hearts without even realizing it.

But what if you were told that those suggestions didn't have to define the direction of your life anymore? What if you could escape the expectations of your peers to find your purpose?

You see, God is speaking to you every day through His Word, through prayer, and the Holy Spirit. The Bible speaks to us about the importance of listening and hearing God extensively.

And in Job 33:31 we read,

"Pay attention, O Job, listen to me; Keep silent, and let me speak.

"Pay attention, O Job…" How prophetic is that very line for the times of today?

In a world full of vlogs, blogs, and podcasts how often do we turn to worldly advice before seeking Biblical counsel and context? For the majority of us, I would say more often than not.

To truly escape the suggestions and opinions of the world you must immerse yourself in an environment where God's calling trumps the comfort of acceptance.

Be challenged this week, this month, and this year to escape from the noise coming from the opinions of others so you may lean into the truth of God's calling on your life. You can escape what people have said about you and replace it for what God knows about you.

Remember, comfort is accompanied by conformity.

But calling is always accompanied by Christ.

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