D1 Week 1 - Escaping the Hustle, Hurry and Worry.

"Pick yourself up by your bootstraps"



"Success isn't given it's earned"

"The world owes you nothing"

If you are anything like the people around you there is no question you have heard these phrases hundreds of times. But let me ask, what do they mean to you?

So often we are given this picture by our peers of what life is "supposed to look like." We are told to make our way, and that our happiness is predicated on the success of our schooling, our sports, and our careers.

But what if you were told that being hustled, hurried, and worried won't lead you to the joy that you are seeking? What if you were told that being significant doesn't look like making lots of money, having a nice car, or being the CEO?

The Bible talks about rest and significance extensively but the number one example that we can look at is the life of Jesus.

Jesus, the most powerful, purposeful man to ever live was NEVER in a hurry.

When you look at the life of Jesus you can see that He walked almost everywhere, He stopped to talk to individuals about their lives, and He went out of His way to make time for those society denied. Jesus was so unhurried at one point He waited 3 days before raising his friend from the dead. 3 DAYS!!

Jesus didn't fast-track anything, He didn't teleport places, He didn't even bother to explore the outer regions of the world. Why? Because Jesus knew that being hurried wasn't the answer to having significance. But instead being intentional was.

Jesus successfully escaped the expectations of success and chose to live in the joy of significance.

So be challenged this week, this month, and this year to slow down and escape from the pressure of success. Remember this, the Savior of the world took infinitely more time to have significance in people's lives than success in worldly eyes.

So, from now on, leave the hurry and worry behind, and trade it for Jesus.

He will bring you to the joy that your heart longs for.

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