D2 Week 2 - God Equips The Confident


Something everyone aspires to have but no one knows how to fully maintain.

We all have spurts of confidence, and spurts of doubt but what if you were told that confidence isn't built in how you think of yourself but instead in how you think of God.

AW Tozer said this, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."

Notice how he didn't say,

"What comes into our minds when we think about ourselves…"

"What comes into our minds when we think about others…"

"What comes into our minds when we think about success…"

No, he says,

"what comes into our minds when we think about God…"

You see, true confidence does not come from the outside world, it comes from a personal relationship with the creator of the universe.

Take Paul, the writer of the majority of the New Testament, for example.

Paul spent a large amount of time writing about the redemption, love, and purpose that accompanies following Christ all while being in prison. He didn't have confidence because of his occupation, situation, or reputation He had confidence because He knew who he belonged to.

God equipped Paul to reach thousands, not because Paul was in the best situation, but because Paul was confident in who he belonged to.

Listen, you can have the same impact that Paul had. You can impact the world around you with faith the size of a mustard seed and the confidence to live it out.

So be challenged this week, this month, and this year to think about confidence differently. Don't be discouraged because you think you lack something but instead be encouraged because Christ accompanies you in everything that you do. He will guide your way.

God calls the confident, but only when their confidence lies in Him.

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